Yesterday, CPI kicked things off with a bang, bringing together nearly 900 industry leaders from the entire polyurethanes value chain. Day 2 was again a day packed with exciting presentations and good talks at the Exhibition and Poster Session.
In the first morning session „Circular Economy – Recycling“ topics were addressed that included:
- Exploring New Technology Platforms to Diversify End Use Markets for Recycled Foam (by the Mattress Recycling Council)
- Development of Carbamate Exchange Catalyst for Polyurethane Recycling
- Designing Robust High-Strength Composites with Polyurethane Foam Glycolysis Products
- Refrigerators Produced From Polyol Obtained by Chemical Recycling Process of Rigid Foam Scraps from Discarded Refrigerators
- Chemical Recycling Technologies Used in the CIRCULAR FOAM Project for the Recycling of Rigid Polyurethane Foam
The session „Construction“ comprised:
- American Chemistry Council, Plastics Division, Building & Construction Update
- Federal Program for Building Materials with Lower Embodied Carbon
- Estimating Reentry and Re-occupancy Times Following Application of Two Generic Spray Polyurethane Foam Formulations According to ASTM Standard Practice D8445-22
- Novel Surfactants to Optimize the Performance of Open Cell Spray Foam
A first panel on Global Automotive: Current Challenges Facing the Automotive Industry (Panel I) followed with the topics:
- An Automotive Plastics Circular Economy: Novel Methodologies and Pathways for Automotive Plastics at End-of-life
- Opportunities for the Polyurethane industry to Address Concerns that the Automotive Industry has as a Whole
- Status Update: Developing a Roadmap to Harmonize Methods to Measure VOC Emissions from Polyurethane Foam used in Automotive Interiors
- European Update
The afternoon started with a session on „Chemistry“
- Consequences of Non-Controlled Microbial Activity on Polyurethane Foams
- APTES Modified Polyurethane Foam for Bacteria Removal from Water
- Surface Modified Polyester Polyurethane Foams with Varying Pore Sizes for Decanted Water Treatment in Oil Spill Response
- Synthesizing, Compounding, and Characterizing a Heat Labile Polyurethane Foam
- Tertiary Amine-free and Tin-free Catalysts for Lower Density Polyurethanes
A session on “Flexible Foam” comprised:
- Deep Eutectic Solvent Extracted Lignin for Flexible Polyurethane Foam Preparation
- Polyurethane Foams Based on Lignin as Bio-Filler and Prepolymer
- Insights From Dow’s ComfortScience™ Studio: Microclimate Effects
- Effect of Humidity on the Measurement of Glass Transition Temperature of Visco-Elastic Foams
Followed by the second panel on Global Automotive: Addressing the VOC Challenges
- • Development of New Aldehyde Scavengers for PU Foam
- • Bio-Based PU Foams with Reduced Global Warming Potential
- • Sustainable Technical Solutions for Automotive Applications
- • Impact of Reactive Amine Catalysts on Generation of Aldehydes in Polyurethane Foams: An Input-Output Analysis
- • Sustainable Adhesives in A Dynamic Environment
- • Meet Sustainability Targets & Reduce Carbon Footprint with New Innovative Release Agents from Evonik
- • Low Carbon Footprint Hindered Phenols for Stabilization
The day was closed with the session on “Renewable Polyols”
- Introduction of New Bio-Based Polycarbonate Diols “DURANOLTM”
- Redeeming CO2: Key Learnings from Commercialization of a Sustainable PU Technology
- Exploring Lignin-Containing Nanocellulose Fibrils (LCNFs) for Enhancing Mechanical and Thermal Insulation Performance of Rigid Polyurethane Foams
- Scalable Plant-Based Leather Alternatives Using High Bio-Content Waterborne PU Technology
- Sustainable Polyurethanes: Harnessing Lignin as Natural Polyol
conference website
(Photo: Michael Thielen, PU magazine)